Bangladesh Police


Units Highway Police

Highway police

The Highaway Police are one of the important and significant units of the Bangladesh Police. This unit came into bieng on 11 June 2005 which has been come into force under the government notification no. M/Home (P-3) /post-15/2004/1156 dated 27 November 2005. The Unit has been regulated under section 12 of police Act, 1861 which bas been promulgated on 23 July 2009. It can investigate offences only under the Motor vehicles Ordinance 1983. The Highway Police have a vast prospect to contribute to developmental growth by thrusting poeple and vehicles smooth movement on the highway for enhancing trade and commerce inside the country and increase overseas export indirectly. Furthermore, the rationale behind establishing the Highway Police is to put in place a robust but innovative pro-people service leading to creation an emanation of accident less and risk free highway.

Afterwards, the Highway Police are entrusted with the responsibilities to :

             •   Maintain law and order situation on highway;
             •   Investigate highway road accident case ;
             •   Prevent highway crime ;
             •  Collect and Disseminate of Intelligence ;
             •  Patrol in highway ;
             •  Recover drugs and narcotics ;
             •  Recover illegal firearms ;
             •  Arrest suspected persons ;

The Highway Police execute the following tasks so far as investigation is concerned :

             •   Prosecute against faulty and illegal vehicles along with drivers ;
             •   Maintain and ensure discipline of the bus, truck terminal, parking area etc;
             •   Enforce traffic rules on the highway ;
             •  Ensure road safety ;
             •  Manage roads of traffic ;
             •  Control traffic ;
             •  Remove road blockage;;

The unit is headed by a Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Bangladesh Police. It has four regions : Comilla Region, Bogra Region, Madaripur Region and Gazipur Region. Comilla Regions headquarters is in Comilla having 2 zones, respectively in Comilla and Chittagong. Bogra Region includes 2 zones namely Bogra zone and Rangpur zone. Madaripur Region is comprised of 2 zones such as Jessore zone and Faridpur zone. Gazipur Region is consisted of 3 zones such as Gazipur zone, Narayangonj zone and Sylhet zone. An Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) is the focal person to carry out the responsibilities of a zone.

The Range Headquarters locates at the Telecom Bhaban of the Rajarbagh Police Lines, Dhaka. Currently, a tolal number of 2192 employees comprised of police force and civil staff work against the Highway Headquarters.

There are 28 highway police station followed by 44 outposts. Inspector provides highway police service as In-charge in the arena of a Highway Police Station (thana) whereas Sergent/Sub-Inspector works as the same in a comparatively small area namely Highway outpost (Fari). At present, a total length of 11806 square Kilometres highway across the populous country is being operated by the Highway Police with the inadequate limited resources. So far as highway police service is concerned, the Highway Police Stations and outposts are highly pressurized with inadequate number human resources.

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